E3: Robin Williams playing Spore

Apologies for the lack of updates recently, but we'll be catching up with all the (post) E3 news asap. During the E3 last month, Robin Williams was invited to play Spore at the Wired Mag party. Three sites have covered the happening. The first is Kotaku, which has published some of the one-liners made by Williams during the creation of his alien, as well as another short article about the event. CNet has published a somewhat longer article covering the happening. It tells how Williams created the creature and played with the creature editor for a while, also quoting a few of his one-liners made during the presentation.

More interesting to most people is probably the video posted by Joystiq though. They've visited the party and made some footage of the entire presentation, and got interviews with both Will Wright and Robin Williams as well. All the footage, 40 minutes in total, is in the video. You can download it completely at once, or in several chapters. The full video is 420Mb big.

Written at 23:36 2006n Tuesday, 6 June 2006 by ChEeTaH

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